
Sketchware Collections


Sketchware Collections

Our library provides the ability to get a list of Collections, which is not available with conventional methods due to the nature of their storage.

Sketchware has the ability to save moreblocksblocksimageswidgetsfonts. All of these collection types are supported by the SketchwareCollections class.

Let's initialize SketchwareCollections:

val collections = SketchwareCollections(File(__path_to_collections_folder__))

In this class we have moreblocksblocksimageswidgetsfonts variables which auto-generated instances for SketchwareCollection class.

Sketchware Collection

Since we already have instances for all possible collections, let's try to do something with them.

Let's get array of moreblocks for example:

val moreblocks = collections.moreblocks.getCollection() // return List<BlockBean>
// also we can add moreblock:
// or remove some:

Get file connected with collection

If your collection type has additional files in the data folder (everything except widgetsblocksmoreblocks) use the following method to get the collection file:

val image = collections.images.getCollection()[0]
collections.images.getFileByName( // data variable in our case is responsible for the file name

Other realizations

If you have a different architecture, or you just need to get a list from a string taken from a collection, but not in any particular file, just do the following:

val arrayOfMoreblocks = BlockParser.parseAsArray(__your_string_of_collection__)

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