How to use library in Java (Deprecated)
Since the library was originally focused on Kotlin and used suspend functions (which do not work in Java), you need to add one more dependency:
dependencies {
implementation 'io.sketchware:java-wrapper:alpha-2.2.6'
All functionality is implemented in almost the same style as in Kotlin. All that has changed is that you need to use callbacks for almost every function. Well, also lambdas are simply replaced with types.
suspend fun main() {
val fileManager = FileManager(File(""))
val activities = fileManager.getActivities()
fileManager.addActivity(SketchwareDataFile(/* data */))
In java with java-wrapper
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FileManager fileManager = new FileManager(path);
fileManager.getActivities(new FileManager.OnSketchwareDataFileLoadedCallback() {
public void onLoad(@Nullable List<SketchwareDataFile> data) {
if(data != null)
new SketchwareDataFile(
/* data */
), new OnActionFinishedCallback() {
public void onFinish() {
// on added